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Exterior of Gordon Parks High School
Welcome to Gordon Parks High School

We are a small, orderly and friendly school where it is impossible for students to be invisible or to get lost in the shuffle.

Wide angle photos of a colorful mural in a school hallway
Empowering Students for Success

Our school offers flexible programming, media-infused courses, and a supportive advisory program for graduation success.

Student holding a camera next to a black and white photo of Gordon Parks
Inspired by Gordon Parks

St. Paul native Gordon Parks, a renowned photographer, film-maker, writer, and civil rights activist, inspires our mission to foster thoughtful, active and successful citizens.

Honoring the legacy of Gordon Parks by providing pathways to graduation and opportunities for lifelong success.

What’s New

Welcome to Gordon Parks

Meet Our Principal

Principal Benson brings diverse educational experience, having served as an assistant principal at Washington Technology Magnet School. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Social Studies Education and a Master's Degree in Educational Administration.

Read More about Meet Our Principal
Gordon Parks

at a glance


St. Paul native Gordon Parks’ life and work as a photographer, film-maker, writer, and civil rights activist provides us with a model for the kind of thoughtful, active, and successful citizens we are dedicated to helping our students become.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus

We offer flexible programming, media-infused courses and curriculum, a supportive advisory program to help keep our students on track for graduation, and a host of community partnerships, internships, and job support activities for our students.

Read More about Flexible Programming
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus


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