Physical Education Standards and Benchmarks
Standard #1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
1. Demonstrate competence (basic skills, strategies, and rules) in an increasing number of more complex versions of at least three different types of movement forms.
2. Assess competence in two or more types of movement forms.
Standard #2: Demonstrates an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
1. Analyze basic offensive and defensive strategies in games and sports.
2. Identify the characteristics of highly skilled performance in at least three movement forms.
3. Independently apply advanced movement-specific information.
4. Recognize personal strengths and weaknesses in an activity.
Standard #3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
1. Independently maintain an active lifestyle using their skills, knowledge, interest and desire.
2. Seek and select physical activities from a variety of movement forms based on interest, meaning and fulfillment.
3. Develop and implement a personal physical activity program meeting their needs.
4. Understand how activity participation patterns are likely to change throughout life and use strategies to deal with those changes.
Standard #4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
1. Meet district fitness standards.
2. Use principals of F.I.T.T. training for the purpose of modifying levels of fitness.
3. Demonstrate skill, knowledge and desire to monitor and adjust activity levels to meet individual fitness needs.
4. Participate regularly in health-enhancing fitness activities.
Standard #5: Personal and Social Behavior
Exhibits safe, responsible behavior that respects self and others, while accepting diversity in physical activity settings.
1. Apply safe practices, rules, procedures and etiquette in all physical activity settings.
2. Display constructive competition and sportsmanship through appropriate participation.
3. Use equipment and facilities safely and responsibly.
Standard #6: Lifetime Behaviors
Understands the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
1. Recognize that physical activity can provide a positive personal social experience.
2. Recognize the physical advantages of physical activity.
3. Develop an appropriate conditioning program to engage in for life.