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Work Based Learning

The Work-Based Learning Coordinator at Gordon Parks High School assists students in their search for jobs, volunteering opportunities and internships in the community as part of the Occupational Internship offered to all students. Students may earn up to 2 credits through Occupational Internship activities such as volunteering, a job, or community-related work.

Career Seminar class is offered to all students and is a requirement to earning credit for Occupational Internship.  Career Seminar is a 9-week course (1 quarter) where students learn the basics of seeking, securing and maintaining employment as well as planning for future career and the world of work.  Three main focus areas prepare students for the world of work beyond high school by learning about job readiness, career investigation and personal finance as it relates to employment.

Basic Job Readiness

Students learn the steps and activities involved in securing part-time employment by working on:

  • The application process online and on paper
  • Job Interviews and interviewing strategies
  • Writing cover letters, resumes and letters of resignation
  • Establishing good references
  • Safety in the workplace
  • Essential workplace qualities and behaviors.

Career Investigation and Post-Secondary Planning

Career Seminar also helps students investigate and plan for their future careers by completing:

  • Interest and aptitude assessments
  • Employability Skills Surveys
  • Career exploration and research
  • Post-Secondary options and research

Financial Literacy

Students learn how employment and getting paid impacts where they live, what they can afford and how they manage their lives.  Students participate in activities that examine

  • Essential work related forms and documents including W-2, W-4, 1099, and 1040EZ
  • Pay stub information, deductions and taxes
  • Banking and Budgeting
  • Financial planning for the future
  • Establishing and managing credit
  • Basic insurance needs

Larry Iwen