Parent Engagement
Parent Engagement Opportunities for
2023-24 School Year
Date Time Event
Sept 20-April 20 Wednesdays New Student Orientation
November 2 3:30-6:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences & Title I Meeting
January 18 3:30-6:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences & Title I Meeting
March 21 3:30-6:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences & Title I Meeting
May 30 3:30-6:00 PM Conferences; Project Showcase; End of year celebration and student awards.
June TBD 5:30 PM Graduation, O'Shaughnessy Auditorium, Saint Katherine University. Students rehearse at 11:00 AM.
For help with transportation, please call the front office at 651-744-1212 and ask for Monica.