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Parent Engagement

Parent Engagement Opportunities for

2023-24 School Year

Date                      Time                       Event

Sept 20-April 20       Wednesdays           New Student Orientation

November 2              3:30-6:00 PM         Parent/Teacher Conferences & Title I                                                                       Meeting

January 18                3:30-6:00 PM         Parent/Teacher Conferences & Title I                                                                       Meeting

March 21                   3:30-6:00 PM         Parent/Teacher Conferences & Title I                                                                       Meeting

May 30                      3:30-6:00 PM         Conferences; Project Showcase; End of year celebration and  student awards.                                            

June TBD                     5:30 PM                  Graduation, O'Shaughnessy Auditorium, Saint Katherine University.  Students rehearse at 11:00 AM.

For help with transportation, please call the front office at 651-744-1212 and ask for Monica.

For attendance, general information and requests to meet with teachers or administration, please contact the main office at 651-744-1212 or see the counseling services tab for more information.

First page of the PDF file: GordonParksStudentandFamilyHandbook