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Helpful Links

These links are in no particular order.

  1. Gordon Parks Schoology site
  2. Log into School Email
  3. Log into Campus to record attendance
  4. Statewide Testing Opt Out
  5. PBL Solar Astronomy
  6. Apex Learning Curriculum. The curriculum that Independent study classes use.
  7. Right Track is a program in Saint Paul that gives students work and a chance to learn job skills.
  8. Genesys Works is an internship program to help students earn credit, work on employment skills and networking. 
  9. Dunwoody College of Technology.  Dunwoody provides faculty members as presenters to our career day sessions.
  10. Code Wars is a free site that teaches people computer coding skills.
  11. You can learn many different programming languages at W3Schools.
  12. To learn about databases and get a free book, go to O'Reilly Graph Databases.
  13. Woordle is a tool for generating word clouds.
  14. John Swain Foundation. John Swain was a career day presenter. The foundation runs programs for athletic success and scholarships, as well as a program to help students prepare for success.
  15. This is a tool to take short quick surveys.
  16. Open Library. Free digital library.
  17. Free Online Classes that will help build skills.
  18. Storyboard Maker for class projects.
  19. Rewordify takes writing and rephrases it to make it easier to understand.
  20. The Learning Tree Movie by Gordon Parks